The Call

The ministry of European Christian Radio was born out of obedience. The scripture in Isaiah 6:8 says; Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I . Send me!”

It was the winter of 1992, the fall of Communism, and Josh McDowell had put out a plea on KAMB Christian radio, asking for people to pray and consider being a part of an historic opportunity to hand out Bibles in the former Soviet Union that was to take place that next summer. Dr. Carlson heard that plea on his way to work and wondered if God was speaking to him about taking his family on this trip but would his wife Laurel even consider it. Later that morning Dr. Carlson received a call at work from Laurel saying that she had just heard Josh McDowell was heading a group to hand out Bibles in the Soviet Union. She said that she felt strongly in her heart that God was calling them to go as a family and be a part of it.

Through new acquaintances and amazing miracles on this trip God clearly revealed to Jim and Laurel that they were to establish the first ever Christian Radio broadcasting network in that part of the world. Even though neither had ever had any experience in radio work let alone building one. Who to call, where to begin? After all, Jim was a medical doctor not a broadcaster.

Thus began the journey of living by faith. It was a “such a time as this” moment, in which Dr. Carlson and Laurel accepted the call and headed up a group of fellow believers to build the first ever Christian radio stations in that part of the world which today broadcasts on both AM and FM stations. Over 60 million people living in the newly liberated communist countries of Estonia and the Baltic countries, Russia, and Eastern Europe would for the first time hear the Good News of Jesus Christ over their radios, which up to this point were only receiving Communist propaganda.

1993 to 2008 - Our Building Years

In 1993, we built the first Christian FM station in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Over the next fifteen years we kept building and today, there are 5 FM stations, 9 repeater FM stations, and one 200 KW AM station, each broadcasting – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – the good news that Jesus Christ has come to seek and to save those who are lost and give hope to all.

Over 175 men from America gave of their time and talents to help build this radio network. Many more gave financially for building supplies, broadcasting equipment, shipping costs, and building and broadcasting permits. During that time, over 26 forty foot containers were shipped to Estonia. They were packed full with equipment and building materials such as towers and transmitters, windows and insulation, pipes and miles of electrical wire, air conditioners and furniture. It took a coordinated effort and many faithful supporters responded to make this all happen.

We are very thankful and encouraged to see the way God has blessed the ministries of ECR and Pereraadio. Our unique partnership has enabled the broadcasting of the Good News for over 24 years. Through your payers and support we pray that God will continue to bless our efforts and keep the broadcasts alive and vibrant for many more years.

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European Christian Radio Project Inc.

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